Invisible Architecture podcast

Open House Rome



Invisible Architecture - Strange Tales of True Fantasy Architecture is a podcast created by Open House Rome, based on the book "The invisible Cities", written by Italo Calvino in 1972. Each city "imagined" by Calvino is associated with an actual piece of architecture as if it were part of its urban fabric, and with it brings a fantastic energy to the story that transports us inside these architectural spaces.

This episode is about Casa Sperimentale, also known as the Casa Albero, or ‘Treehouse’. Built over a period of seven years in the 1960s and 1970s by a family of Italian architects, Giuseppe Perugini, his wife Uga de Plaisant and their son Raynaldo Perugini, Casa Sperimentale is an extraordinary built experiment, one that challenged the understanding of what architecture is and how it’s created. This podcast is in Italian*


Nordre Gate Street (Oslo)


Casa H (Rosario)